Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Bernini's Portrait Busts

So the show at the Getty was on Bernini's Portrait Busts. One of the big characterstics of the baroque was the importance of showing people as living entities. With the Renaissance, the figures of David by Michelangelo and others were frozen, with more of a focus on classicism and perfecting the form. Baroque embraces the classic form but adds a level of drama and expression to the faces that make them come alive. I loved Bernini's sculptures because he used different colored marbles rather than only Carrara (the white marble of the Renaissance). It created dimension where there might otherwise not be.

His series' of busts were of notable figures within the papal court mostly, with other powerful characters rounding out his portfolio. What was so groundbreaking were his uses of the sculpture tools to score and treat the marble to add a hint of a beard, or to imply thinning hair. in contrast, he also used drills to create elaborate coiffures and intricate lace designs. What I found interesting as I walked through the busts, was that he created irises for the eyes, rather than leaving them blank as the Renaissance masters did. This makes the faces of his subjects come alive, as if they might talk to you as you walked by.

I got chills as I walked up to the bust of Constanza Bonarelli. She was a consort of Bernini's. Her hair is coming loose, her eyes wide open, her lips parted as if she was out of breath. This treatment of her portrait bust implied sensuality and a sexual connection between the sculptor and the sitter. we studied this bust for a week in Soussloff's Bernini seminar and it was amazing to see it in person after all the discussion.

In all, the exhibit was very well put together. I was surprised at how many pieces they had managed to borrow from other major museums around the world. It just speaks to the Getty Museum's clout in the art world. I am so glad I was able to see it.

1 comment:

SCDad said...

You've almost got me convinced to see it myself. They got any other stuff to look at over there?