Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Yay for art!

In my plan to start this blog, I had originally intended to begin posting right away but there was a great hard drive disaster of 2008 and thusly, i didnt start it. But here I am now. Incidentally, I have big plans. This will test out my writing skills as I have decided to use this a testing grounds for a column I want to pitch to Surfer Magazine. I like the water, and surfing, and all those things entail: Surfboard art, water art, maybe even some tattoing if its artistic. and having to do with water and the like.

A few weekends ago there was a great surf competition called the Roxy Surf Jam. Its put on by Linda Benson, a longtime surfer and resident of San Diego. Its an all girl competition and Im sure most of them came into Starbucks before their sets. Taking advantage of my day off, i went down to check out the booths set up for people who don't actually want to watch the surfing. But it gave me a chance to check out the surf art. I met with Chris Pederson of Forever Stoked and spoke with him about his work.

He is stationed in Morro Bay. And the brand name Forever Stoked has several artists beneath the name. He seemed to be the leader of the pack. His artwork was a blend of airbrushing and oils. The compositions are not cluttered like a Hieronymous Bosch painting. They reflect the simplicity of a surfer's loves- good waves, and unblemished environment. The airbrushing made the waves look glasslike, almost surreal in perfection. Of the 6 artists, there is one female artist. Her contribution to Forever Stoked was mostly manifested in jewelry pieces. the paintings were beautiful and printed onto pendants made of wood, leather cuffs, and hemp cuffs. Pricing was mid range for art. The colors are bright and acidic, much like Michelangelo.

I can see a trend in this artwork, a mixture of love for bright colors, and perfectly lined up sets. They mirror the style of the Hawaiian Island Creations brand art. Hopefully, he will want to meet up with me for an interview so that I can create a mockup article to send to Chris Mauro.

in other news, I also sent in a resume to the San Diego Museum of Art to be a gallery attendant. Long hours standing in a museum, making sure people dont touch the paintings may sound boring but its a foot in the door.


SCDad said...
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SCDad said...

Nice post IG. Howzabout a link to some of Chris Pederson's art? Or to Forever Stoked? FYI: an unsolicited article sent to a magazine would be considered to be submitted "on spec".